Metro District Education Coalition Hails Passage of Legislation to Protect Homeowners and Prevent Foreclosures

Metro District Education CoalitionHails Passage of Legislation to Protect Homeowners and Prevent Foreclosures


DENVER, CO – Kristi Pollard, ExecutiveDirector of the Metro District Education Coalition (MDEC) in Colorado, issuedthe following statement after the passage of HB24-1267, legislation that would protecthomeowners living in metropolitan districts against foreclosures and establisha process for dispute resolution between homeowners and metro districts whenthey arise.


“We are pleased that this important measurehas passed the legislature and is awaiting the Governor’s signature,” saidPollard. “MDEC is honored to have worked alongside the sponsors of this measurethat prohibits metro districts from foreclosing on homes for fees or chargesrelated to covenant enforcement. It showcases our commitment to protectresidents and ensure that metro districts operate with the highest standards oftransparency and accountability."


“There are many misconceptions about the valuemetro districts bring to a community. Foreclosure is an extreme measure, and weare pleased to have found a solution to allow these communities to function butwithout leaving a remedy on the table that could potentially jeopardize afamily’s livelihood.”


“The legislation is good, common-sense policythat provides important protections to residents while also allowingcommunities to enforce important covenants that help to keep their communitiesbeautiful and functional,” concluded Pollard.


The Metro District Education Coalition is anonprofit, nonpartisan network of financial, legal, and technical experts whoprovide subject matter expertise on metro districts. They advocate for bestpractices in the formation and operations of metro districts and promoteimproved transparency and accountability on behalf of homeowners.






About MDEC: The Metro District EducationCoalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan network of financial, legal, andtechnical experts who provide expertise on metro districts. We promote improvedtransparency and accountability on behalf of homeowners and advocate for bestpractices in the formation and operations of metro districts. Learn more aboutour work at


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